My Boo
Introduction :
"My Boo" is a delightful romantic comedy with a supernatural twist. Joe (Gee Sutthirak Subvijitra), a struggling gamer, inherits an old house from his eccentric grandfather, only to discover it is inhabited by the charming ghost Anong (Bow Maylada Susri) and her ghostly companions Thongkorn (Jack Chalermpol Thikamporntheerawong) and Thongyip (Fon Tatchaya Supatanyasatit). As Joe and the ghosts reluctantly agree to coexist, they transform their haunted home into Bangkok's hottest supernatural attraction. But as their business venture blossoms, so does an unexpected romance between Joe and Anong. Together, they face family drama, supernatural challenges, and the ultimate question: Can their love transcend the boundaries of life and death?
My Boo Show Times
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